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  Nr. 3873 de miercuri, 7 martie 2007 
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ZIUA and Pottering for unified Europe
-- ZIUA launched yesterday the Romanian version of Hans-Gert Pottering's book 'From Vision to Reality. On the Path to European Integration.' It is a volume made of the political speeches delivered by Hans-Gert Pottering, president of the European Parliament. The latter official attended the event taking place in the largest festivity room of the Parliament, together with Romanian MPs, diplomats and journalists.
The Romanian foreign minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu had the floor, just as Romanian Academy member Eugen Simion - who had awarded Hans-Gert Pottering with the 'doctor honoris causa' title two years before -, the ZIUA Publishing manager Ionel Nicu Sava and Ioan Oltean, a vice president of the PD (Democrat Party).
ZIUA book series on political doctrines
The ZIUA head Sorin Rosca Stanescu informed the president of the European Parliament that the book launch would make him more popular in Romania and wished him a successful visit to Romania. The EU official will be visiting Romania in two days' time. Hans-Gert Pottering himself mentioned the importance of the people's doctrine to the united Europe's future. The other speakers insisted on the values implied in the people's doctrine and on the importance of the Romanian version of Pottering's speeches now available. Politicians and citizens in general can now understand rightwing ideology values better.
One could grasp the intention of ZIUA Publishing to promote a book series on the European political doctrines this year. The first to be printed are a thorough study on the Liberal doctrine and probably a survey of the Social-Democrat one. The ZIUA special edition in English made a real impression on the attending MEPs.
European Parliament to learn about the Romanian cemetery in Tighina
Euro-deputy Viorica Moisiuc is to deliver a press conference in the European Parliament today and tackle the state of the former 'General Dragalina' Cemetery in Tighina, which separatist Transdniester authorities bulldozed last month.
In the press release announcing today's conference there is mentioned: "In the last weeks the racists and extremists who live in the county on the bank of the Dniester River, the Eastern border of the European Union, have been applying the plan to profane the military cemetery in Tighina called 'General Dragalina' (a great Romanian strategist and army commander in the early years of WW I). In this cemetery there were buried 365 heroes of the Romanian, German and Swedish militaries who died in WW I and WW II too."(...) (D.E.)
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