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  Nr. 3873 de miercuri, 7 martie 2007 
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Voiculescu's scenario
-- Dan Voiculescu, a president of the PC (Conservative Party), claims that a criminal vase against PM Tariceanu is being plotted so that he would be suspended. He argues that Theodor Stolojan has got the bless from Cotroceni Palace to take over the Romanian government. According to the Romanian Conservatives' leader, the case is on the retechnologization of the Portile the Fier power plant, achieved at the time when the Romanian PM was a minister of industry.
It is surprising that a few weeks ago President Basescu asked PM Tariceanu if VA Tech Company rang a bell. But the law on ministerial responsibility has it that ministers may be blamed only for what they committed while under mandate.
Tariceanu replies
The PM was surprised to see the issues the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) had used against him in the electoral campaign were at stake again in 2007 and he claimed once again that the agreement reached 10 years before had been both legal and advantageous. He described the 1997 decision on the new technology to be provided to the above mentioned power plant as juridically legal, politically necessary and economically advantageous, because the payment had been provided by supplying electricity produced as surplus, achieved due to modernization.
He commented: "I am surprised to see that the issues of the PSD campaign are being tackled again in 2007. It means things have changed too little and the approach of those handling such cases is the same." (...) (R.A.)
Basescu breaks the news and Morar confirms it
Right after the Public Ministry presented the report on their activity in 2006, President Basescu broke the news that "tough cases" would some come out. Daniel Morar, a prosecutor-in-chief of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) made a press statement afterwards and he announced the Portile de Fier case would reach the DIICOT (Department for Investigation on Organized Crimes and Terrorism) for approach.
Morar mentioned the case had reached the preliminary documents stage and he wouldn't utter the name of any person under investigations. He only said no corruption crimes had been identified, but only clues on abuse at work. He wouldn't specify whether the case had anything to do with the Romanian PM or not. (M.T., R.A., R.S.)
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