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  Nr. 3869 de vineri, 2 martie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
PM is fed up with tourism strategies
Because of the high costs in tourism and the buildings erected in the Danube Delta disobeying the slightest common sense, Romanian tourists prefer spending their holidays in countries such as Greece or Turkey. It will go on unless services improve. This is the opinion the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu expressed yesterday while attending the first reunion of the committee to evaluate the master plan on the development of Romanian tourism.
He asked authorities to do away with abstract strategies never applied and come up with a clear set of measures to improve tourism facilities and services: "I am fed up with strategies and plans. I want real projects with deadlines and measures. This is how you must work. We will be no friends if you continue with strategies. I want to see real achievements." This is what he told tourism operators attending the meeting. (...)
The PM mentioned his intention to arrange a reunion of government members and the local authorities of mountain tourism in Romania in order to talk about what was to be done to improve tourism. (C.S.)
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