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  Nr. 3869 de vineri, 2 martie 2007 
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Political crisis scares European Socialists
The leaders of the European Socialist Party decided yesterday in Brussels that the first meeting of the high level group for the Balkans, scheduled to take place in Bucharest in March 20, should be held in another country in this region, because of the political crisis ongoing in Romania. Cristian Diaconescu, a vice president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), announced it yesterday after attending the Brussels reunion of European Socialist leaders.
By a press release sent yesterday the PSD announced: "During the reunion in Brussels the president of the European Socialist Party asked the PSD representative Cristian Diaconescu to explain the evolution in Romania, including the initiative to suspend the President of Romania Traian Basescu. Because of the political crisis in Romania, the European Socialist presidency decided that the first session of the high level group for the Balkans should take place in a different country." (D.I.)
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