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  Nr. 3869 de vineri, 2 martie 2007 
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Behold the PSD product!
"I am your product and I won't let you down! (...) I am very temperamental. I am a controversial leader and I want to stay so, if people love me." This is what Marian Vanghelie told the Social-Democrats cheering him last Wednesday.
The mayor made this promise once he learnt he was elected president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) branch in Bucharest. His birthday gift consisted in 989 votes out of the total number of 1,060. As for the other candidates, they got fewer votes than imaginable. Robert Negoita dropped his candidacy.
Both the atmosphere and the speeches were ordinary (expect for hysterical applause when Vanghelie was taking pains with making a speech). But the security was not at all ordinary, given the favorite candidate's importance. Still Mircea Geoana, president of the party, asked for a 'perfect' conference. (...) (D.I.)
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