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  Nr. 3866 de marti, 27 februarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Plagiarist Liiceanu
-- Romanian philosopher Gabriel Liiceanu is accused of having plagiarized Heidegger. He invented his own dissidence, he put make up on the work he had written before 1989 and he has generally got problems with morals.
Ion Spanu, both a writer and a journalist, claims that Gabriel Liiceanu plagiarized Martin Heidegger. The director of Humanitas Publishing House presented a text excerpted from 'Sein unt Zeit', the German philosopher's world famous work, as his own work. Writer Constantin Barbu, member of the Paltinis group of the Romanian philosopher Constantin Noica, unveils that this is not Liiceanu's first misdeed. He explains: "Noica told me about how he managed to save Liiceanu when first accused of plagiarism in his Ph.D. paper on the tragic: by persuading him into leaving the Institute of Philosophy."
In order to account for his dissidence, Liiceanu made up a text by dating it back and published his work 'The Tragic' again after doing away with the apology of Marx. As for his morals, Spanu can remember how Noica's 'disciple' allowed for the master to be depicted as a fascist at the Humanitas, on grounds of texts signed by the man who used to inform the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) against him. (...) (I.S.)
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