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  Nr. 3862 de joi, 22 februarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Exhume Ceausescu!
-- ZIUA is opening campaign to decipher the mystery on the execution and burial of the two dictators.
17 years after the Revolution there are more and more voices claiming that Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu weren't buried in the Ghencea cemetery. There are even some state institutions that have fueled the suspicion. The Cemetery Administration, the Ministry of National Defense and various courts refuse to have the coupled disinterred.
Gelu Voican Voiculescu, a key character in the execution and burial of the two dictators, has agreed to be interviewed by ZIUA. He is pleading for the official version of the story: Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were interred in Ghencea cemetery. Still he doesn't deny the tombs may be empty now: "There is one chance that nothing should be found there." According to him, to exhume the two would be normal now.
If you want to provide information on the execution and burial of the Ceausescu couple please contact the ZIUA offices or use ziua@ziua.ro.
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