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  Nr. 3862 de joi, 22 februarie 2007 
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Indictment on energy privatization case is almost ready
-- The inquiry on the strategic privatization of energy companies is about to be completed. Stamen Stancev, Vadim Benyatov Don, Dorinel Mucea, Radu Mihai Donciu and the ex Romanian minister of economy Codrut Seres are all charged in the case.
Prosecutors from the Department for Investigations on Organized Crime and Terrorism started yesterday to present the documents on the accused and the case is to reach court soon.
The first to get to the General Prosecutor's offices yesterday morning was Radu Mihai Donciu, formerly a counselor of the minister of communication and information technology. Dorin Mucea and Stamen Stancev arrived next. After the meeting with the prosecutors, the international adviser Stancev said the experience he had undergone in Romania caused him to change and grow more humane. He mentioned having taken a look at the case charging him in the privatization of the Electrica Muntenia Sud Company and also at evidence he hadn't known that far.
According to investigators, Stancev (thought to head the intelligence network) and the other group members committed crimes jeopardizing national security and effecting in prejudice against Romania's economic security by severe distortion of the domestic market competition, as well as by harming Romania's image against the EU accession background. Investigators say the crimes committed by Stancev's group harmed the norms included in chapter 6 on the competition policy in the Treaty of Accession.
Yesterday afternoon Vadim Benyatov Don was being questioned in order to be presented the official evidence against him.
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