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  Nr. 3862 de joi, 22 februarie 2007 
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Constitutional Court defeats anti-Basescu Coalition
The Constitutional Court decided yesterday that the Parliament's consent to a simple motion against a minister doesn't demand the PM to dismiss the respective government member. Judges also agreed that the texts meant to rectify the referendum law were unconstitutional. The opponents of the Romanian Minister of Justice Monica Macovei deny the decision and they claim the latter minister is anyway no longer enjoying support from the Parliament. Social-Democrat Antonie Iorgovan has even invoked a parliamentary strike.
The grounds of the Constitutional Court's decision are going to be included in the document to be published in The Official Monitor. The decision reached yesterday is final and mandatory. (...)
Geoana: No chances to suspend the President
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leader Mircea Geoana commented that yesterday's decision prevented all the chances for any referendum in Romania. He mentioned his party would nonetheless go on with the initiative against President Traian Basescu. He mentioned the PSD had respect for the Court's decision: "I hope comments on the Court members will cease now." Still he claimed that such a decision didn't mean the President hadn't broken the Constitution. He concluded: "The Court has decided Monica Macovei mustn't be dismissed. But politically speaking, she got the Parliament's distrust. We will continue with our claim that Macovei should not be a member of the future restructured government". (...)
Antonescu: A responsibility for the PM to take
Crin Antonescu, a vice president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), commented yesterday: "The minister may be dismissed. All the Constitutional Court says is that the PM hasn't got the obligation to dismiss the minister because of the parliamentary motion against her. We respect the verdict. (...) As for the future, it is a responsibility for the PM to take."
Boc: Extraordinary sign
Emil Boc, a president of the PD (Democrat Party), opined yesterday: "Today's decision confirms the PD views on both the Minister of Justice and the referendum law. I am sincerely glad to see such extraordinary sign, because it has got impact on Romania. (...) The Court's decision is clear sign that the reform of Romanian Justice must continue. (...) We may dislike one minister or the other. But it is important that he/ she should do what Romania and national interests need."
Ciuca: A different minister should be appointed
Bogdan Ciuca, a spokesman for the PC (Conservative Party), commented on yesterday's decision: "We still believe that, if PM Tariceanu truly wants a reform and a minister able to carry out a mandate and succeed with law projects in the Parliament, he will surely have to dismiss the Justice minister. (...) According to the parliamentary majority, minister Macovei has no longer got any authority. Therefore the PM can only dismiss her and appoint a different minister. (...) " (B.G., R.A, R.G., C.E., V.D.)
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