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  Nr. 3859 de luni, 19 februarie 2007 
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Kick PD out
-- The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is ready to set the hard artillery against the PD (Democrat Party) and the President of Romania Traian Basescu if the latter prevent the restructuring of the government. The PM has announced it in his interview to ZIUA, explaining the terms between the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the PD within the Alliance, as well as the Liberals' relations with the opposition and the President of Romania. You can read the interview down below.
Rep.: Why is the restructuring of the government necessary?
C.P.T.: It is a necessity because in January 1, 2007 Romania got to a new stage, which has got two consequences. First of all, the structure of the government needs to be adjusted to European institutions so that there would follow efficient dialogue with the EU partners. Secondly, our victory with the EU accession allows us to operate the changes we have been considering for a long time: myself as a prime minister and the Alliance I am a member of. You can realize that thorough restructuring operated before January 1, 2007 would have meant more harm than good. Romania could afford no delay, it couldn't run the risk of blocking some institutions' activity, not even for a few days.
Rep.: What kind of government will there follow, as far as the number of ministers and state secretaries is concerned?
C.P.T.: I can tell you for sure that there will be fewer ministers, but I can't give you the exact number of portfolios. There is a very simple reason for it. I don't intend to operate a superficial change and I don't assume a government should necessarily have only 10 or 15 ministers. It is important that we should restructure an institution, but not that we should change the firms hanging on the doors of some offices. There will be a flexible government, but not one suffering from anemia, because the restructuring will start from the bottom to the top of institutions.
Rep.: You have an ultimatum from the Conservative Party, asking you for a Liberal minority government. What is your comment?
C.P.T.: There is no ultimatum. It is the view of the Conservative Party's exclusively. As for the government's political structure, I can only say the PNL took the responsibility to carry out the mandate together with the PD. Of course I approach it from the idea that our colleagues in the Alliance too share the view. I don't think the PD would commit a mistake such as using the same trick: quit power.
Rep.: Will you obey the will of the Romanian Senate, as senators passed a parliamentary procedure against the Minister of Justice?
C.P.T.: I don't want us to mix things. Restructuring is one thing and the parliamentary motion against Monica Macovei something else. As far as the restructuring and replacing of ministers is concerned, it is first about efficiency. As for the parliamentary motion, it is about laws and the significance of senators' vote. I am waiting for the Constitutional Court's decision to make the consequences of it clear. I can tell you I want Monica Macovei to stay in the government, but only if there is no doubt on the legality of such a decision. Right now Monica Macovei has got a problem with her legitimacy. And her problem reflects on the field she heads. The Minister of Justice needs a clarification from the Constitutional Court more than Mrs. Macovei or myself as a prime minister need.
Rep.: Which are President Basescu's means to prevent the restructuring? Which are the PD's?
C.P.T.: Of course there are mechanisms, means and procedure resources the head of state or parties in power may use if they want to prevent the government restructuring. But I won't tolerate it. If Traian Basescu or the PD try to prevent it, I can tell you there will follow one more war and the PNL will produce the hard artillery.
Rep.: What are your guarantees that the opposition will give a vote of confidence?
C.P.T.: As a prime minister and a leader of the Alliance, I am counting on the vote of the officials in power and I am expecting no guarantees from the opposition.
Rep.: Civil society organizations have strongly reacted against the ordinance on the DIICOT (Department for Investigations on Organized Crime and Terrorism), taking it as unconstitutional. Mrs. Monica Macovei initiated it. Why did the PNL firmly refuse to agree to the opposition's procedure against the minister?
C.P.T.: Monica Macovei was wrong, which everyone knows. But the error could be corrected. There are some who claim she should have resigned, other say she should have been dismissed. I can tell you Monica Macovei is still enjoying support from the PD and right now she has got the responsibility to carry out what she started. When I see that Monica Macovei or any other minister makes mistakes impossible to correct or fails to meet requirements, I will be the one to dismiss her/ him. I am not relying on the opposition to resolve government problems.
Rep.: Are the Liberals considering to offer a candidate of their own in case of early presidential elections, if Mr. Basescu gets dismissed by referendum?
C.P.T.: In such a case we will evaluate the best solutions for the PNL, a candidate included. But I think this is no priority for the PNL and I think that to dismiss Traian Basescu is neither a priority. It is not our business to organize as many elections as possible under one mandate. Our business is to accomplish the missions set.
Rep.: Will there be early parliamentary elections in the end? Will the PNL manage to run the country in minority, with or without the PD? Or will there be established new majority?
C.P.T.: Had Romania had more responsible politicians, you wouldn't be asking me this question. I am pleading for a government of the PNL-PD Alliance to carry out the mandate won in 2004. If we get responsible politicians, I mean those in power in particular, then the future will surely look like this. I can assure all Romanians that the Liberals will continue to be a responsible political force. What people and the political class in particular don't generally understand, unfortunately, is that early elections, minority government or majority government are not just simple words, but strategic moves on the chess table of politicians. They are things of great importance that can have a major, not necessarily positive, impact on Romanians.
Rep.: Is it true or false that Romanians have paid more for electricity, since a great consumer such as the ALRO Slatina was privileged and paid for energy a price lower than the market one?
C.P.T.: The first question we should answer sounds like this: Did the ALRO get unfair advantages because of influence on certain politicians? I am waiting for an answer myself. As a prime minister, I can tell you the government proceeded to a project meant to establish an energy stock. The former minister of economy Codrut Seres started it and the present minister Varujan Vosganian completed it.
Rep.: If the budget is corrected, what will happen to the funds set for the secret services? As known, as the press has reported, the secret services employ too many people as compared to the population of Romania and the country's budget. Will a correction affect Presidency's budget too?
C.P.T.: Theoretically, there are two criteria: there is first the transparency in using funds and secondly the adjusting of the funds to the roles and activities of institutions. Unfortunately, none of these two is satisfactorily met as far as the secret services are concerned. I will consider this both as a prime minister and as a president of the PNL.
Rep.: Is the government ready to face the critical defiance coming from the Secui (Magyar-origin minority in Transylvania) Council?
C.P.T.: The action you are invoking is a matter for the government and other institutions as well. As a prime minister, I can assure you that all that happens there and is part of the government's attributions is under control. But don't ask me to speak on behalf of the secret services or other institutions.
Rep.: There have been various press scenarios on the ambassadors President Basescu intends to appoint to Washington and London, with consent from the government? What is your approach?
C.P.T.: We must appoint competent persons. I would like Traian Basescu to share this opinion. For now I can only tell you that the ones I have read about in newspapers are journalists, very good at praising the President and systematically offending the PNL.
Interview by Sorin ROSCA STANESCU 
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