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  Nr. 3856 de joi, 15 februarie 2007 
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Investors prefer Romania
The Ernst & Young research released yesterday shows Romania as the most attractive destination for investments in South Eastern, Central and Western Europe.
Foreign investors consider advantages such as the low cost of well-qualified labor force, the low tax on profit, the productivity growth potential, the availability and low cost of locations and more. Still managers list some week points too: the poor state of telecommunication and transport infrastructure, the quality of development research.
58% of the people asked say they are considering investments in Romania this year and 68% describe the Romanian market as potential destination for investments in the next three years.
As for the other destinations attractive to investors, Turkey comes next after Romania and it is followed by Greece and Bulgaria. But managers think in the next three years Bulgaria will come next after Romania, due to 52% of investment intentions.
Ernst & Young representatives estimate that foreign investments will reach 6,5-7 billion Euro this year, as compared to the 8,6-9 billion Euro attracted in 2006, because privatizations are approaching the end.
Gilda POPA
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