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  Nr. 3852 de sambata, 10 februarie 2007 
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Tariceanu: Lack of turbulence suits the Government
PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu considers that the lack of a certain political turbulence would support the Government's efforts in growing its capability of absorbing the community funds and in accelerating the readiness to elaborate EU funded projects. Yesterday, when asked by a foreign journalist what has changed after Romania's accession to the EU, Tariceanu showed that the situation at national level and that of the population's has remained the same, and that effects are probably the growing of aspirations and hopes in a better life. "People want to fully take advantage of everything the quality of a EU member entails. That is why, the Government's efforts, my own efforts focus right now on one direction - shouldn't it have been a certain political turbulence, and this might help me even more, we would probably work harder. That direction is relating to the absorption of community funds, to the acceleration of our readiness to elaborate projects, that is about using this essential element underlying the European construction, the solidarity among the Member States and the newly EU integrated countries that benefit of important funds allowing them to reduce gaps", said Tariceanu, according to a Mediafax release. He gave this statement at the press conference the Romanian PM had together with the Croatian PM, Ivo Sanader, now in an official visit to Bucharest. They have established, during the talks, that representatives of the two governments might sign, this year, a Memorandum of Agreement on the Constanta-Trieste oil pipe. (O.B.)
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