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  Nr. 3852 de sambata, 10 februarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Tuesday, 13, Basescu to address the Parliament
-- The president will address the MPs an hour before the Senate's debate on the vote against Macovei
President Traian Basescu wants to address the Parliament next Tuesday an hour before the Senate's debate on the vote against Monica Macovei. The time the Presidency chose has irritated the PSD (Social-Democrat party) senators, who have claimed that, by his coming there, the head of State might influence the vote against the minister of Justice. The agenda of the head of State is however influenced by the two-day official visit of the Hungarian president. PSD has claimed that Basescu should have waited for the decision of the joint Permanent Bureaus on the work program.
A first sign after the statements
The announcement regarding the intention of the head of State to address the Legislative is the first sign the Presidency gave after the leadership of the Parliament had asked Traian Basescu to apologize. The leadership of the Senate House and of the Chamber of Deputies expressed its bitterness towards a statement the chief of State had given at the DNA (National Department for Fight against Corruption) meeting. "Not far from a few days ago there was a debate on a law by which I don't know what exemptions were being granted to the domestic beer producers, that is something related to the alcohol area. Of course, the law has been submitted to promulgation, but I will certainly send it back. That is how the knitting of delinquents and politicians looks like, as the latter do nothing else but laws for the delinquents", Basescu had said at the DNA meeting. (A.H.)
A r h i v a
  A 2nd, a 3rd Basescu    
  Frattini backs Macovei up    
  Tariceanu: Lack of turbulence suits the Government    
  Pavelescu wants a revision    
  Paul's Bluff    
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