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  Nr. 3851 de vineri, 9 februarie 2007 
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The Parliament wants apologies from Basescu and PSD might go to the wall with the suspension proceedings
-- The leadership of the two Parliament Chambers felt offended by the president's statements according to which there are "politicians who do nothing else but laws for the delinquents"
The Parliament asked yesterday president Traian Basescu, in a statement, to publicly apologize for the "unacceptable accusations" he had made last Tuesday, at the DNA (National Department against Corruption) evaluation meeting, against the Legislative, as they considered them of an unprecedented gravity. The approach of the Legislative to adopt a statement aiming at the chief of State is a first performance on the Romanian political stage.
Leaderships of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate House have labeled the statements of the head of State as an attempt of putting pressure over the MPs. For this reason, they asked him, "in the spirit and the letter of the Constitution", "to publicly review" these statements. Two are the president's statements that have aroused the Legislative deep discontent. Basescu said, on Tuesday, there were "politicians who did nothing but laws for the delinquents" when expressed his disagreement with a law adopted by the Parliament granting some tax exemptions for the domestic beer producers.
The fight against corruption
Another statement of the president's, considered as "unacceptable", is that according to which the Parliament would show a lack of responsiveness towards the fight against corruption since it adopted a legislative initiative that takes out of the criminal area the non-observance of the credit regulations. "I have sent the law back into the Parliament. I want to believe that the Parliament will not send it back to me with the initial content, showing by this its lack of responsiveness to the fight against corruption", Basescu said on Tuesday. "It is unfair, incorrect and offending to have the whole Parliament accused of lack of responsiveness in the fight against corruption, for that simple hypothesis that a parliamentary majority might vote in a different way than the president of Romania wishes", says the statement.
Uncertain suspension
PSD (Social-Democrat Party) seems to go to the wall with the president's suspension if Traian Basescu apologizes before the Parliament and wants to charge PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu's attitude with a vote of censure.(R.A)
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