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  Nr. 3851 de vineri, 9 februarie 2007 
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Gambling to sacrifice
The appeal Calin Popescu-Tariceanu launched, by which he asked the president not to violate the constitutional norms any longer and the opposition to postpone the suspension proceedings, may be, by its effects, a stroke of genius. If we make a connection between this unexpected political move and the categorical tone by which the same Tariceanu, this time as the PNL (National Liberal Party) chairman, rejects the vote of censure launched against the minister of Justice, Monica Macovei. If we add here the alike surprising peace that he concluded with PD (Democrat Party), we might easily see that the Liberal game could be enough sophisticated. The Liberals have even sacrificed some important pieces of their own device, such as Atanasiu and then Razvan Ungureanu or even some very short term projects, for the sake of the goals on medium and long term. No matter the terms, Tariceanu's appeal informs us that the most interesting political season in the last years has begun. However, let us go back to the idea of gambling to sacrifice.
Normally, given the irreversibility of the hostile relationships president Traian Basescu has with the Liberals and the serious tensions inside the DA (Justice and Truth) Alliance, that get hysterical accents now and then, Tariceanu would have good reasons to wish and even to pursue the achievement of foretold or foreseen events. It is about parting company with PD for good, as it proved in excess it is unable to play independently from Basescu - a sign in this respect might be given by Monica Macovei's dismissal -, its removal from the Government, the creation of a Liberal Executive that may be pleased with a relative parliamentary support and, not least, the suspension and deposition of the chief of State by a referendum. In fact, all the Liberal recent actions and statements seem to head to the opposite direction. It is true, Tariceanu's appeal represents a forceful message, as the PM shows he is the one behaving as the true arbitrator and mediator of the society. This way, he is substituting some presidential attributes Basescu is short of. However the requirement to have the suspension proceedings postponed might as well have a different explanation. Who is in charge with the carrying on of the elections for the European Parliament? But who is responsible of the way a potential referendum for the president's deposition is organized? The Government is. The Government, which is led by Tariceanu himself. It is obvious that both procedures might be altered in case of an overlapping. Under these circumstances, the PM has to chose as head of the Executive and of that of PNL as well. If we put forward the correct idea of postponing elections, Tariceanu requires that thew first ones be the ones for the European Parliament. His appeal cannot bring but a substantial gain to outside image. At a domestic level, by taking the action this way, he doesn't assume the risks of a probable failure of the opposition. And if the opposition puts pressure and his request is not achieved, Tariceanu will have but advantages. Under this circumstance, the alliance with PD will be automatically broken off and for good, not seeming he did it on purpose. They will also break off with Macovei.
As for Basescu, once suspended, deposited by a referendum or not, he will be, at least for a while, if not taken out of the game, then annihilated.
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Sacrificed to the gamblers   de ConanTheBarbarian
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