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  Nr. 3849 de miercuri, 7 februarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Journalists Braia and Ivanciuc collaborated with ex Securitate
The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decided yesterday that journalists Doru Braia (employed by National TV Channel) and Cornel Ivanciuc (formerly working for Academia Catavencu) had collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). The CNSAS also reached verdict that journalist Bogdan Chireac (working for Gandul daily) had been no such collaborator in the past.
Yesterday's decision was reached after much delay. As for the latter case, things seem to have radically changed after Chireac dropped by the CNSAS offices yesterday. Although last week most CNSAS members were estimating a verdict such as collaborator of the political police for him, yesterday he turned into a victim of the ex Securitate. (...) (C.E., V.D.)
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