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  Nr. 3843 de miercuri, 31 ianuarie 2007 
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Well meaning Barroso
-- Yesterday Barroso was so well meaning that he mentioned the very important economic and political contributions of Romania's accession to the EU, praising Commissioner Leonard Orban and his efforts worthy of elogy.
As expected, yesterday we could also hear a very diplomatic reference to the need to improve the capacity to assimilate structural funds. But no urgent matter or concern about the activity of Romanian institutions entitled to it was uttered. As he is in the habit of doing so when such a high Romanian official pays a visit, Barroso reminded one more time about Europe's appreciation of Romania, of Romanians' unaltered enthusiasm for the EU idea. It is to be mentioned that, according to polls, 67% of Romanians are for the integration in the EU.
The Romanian President was as well meaning, expressing our concern about the fate of unified Europe and promising Romania would support the German presidency's solution. He also mentioned Romanians were most enthusiastic about the principle of solidarity, which he described as the engine of the European economic development. The President claimed Romanians would make "good Europeans" and learn the arts of compromise and negotiating. He explained Romania would continue to consolidate institutions and thus improve its contribution to the EU project. The President also insisted on his country's interest in the new EU neighborhood policy, but he wouldn't give details.
President Basescu is to deliver a speech in the Parliament of Europe tomorrow as 3:30 p.m. His conference together with Hans-Gert Pottering, President of the European Parliament, is due after the speech.
Cristian UNTEANU, Brussels 
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