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  Nr. 3843 de miercuri, 31 ianuarie 2007 
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Europe doesn't care about ongoing crisis in Romania
-- Jose Barroso, President of the European Commission, said after yesterday's meeting with the President of Romania Traian Basescu that Romania wasn't the only country housing democratic political debates. He opined that what was going on in Bucharest was "turbulence normal in democracy".
The EU official described the terms between the European Commission and Romanian authorities as normal and he mentioned no problem could be noticed.
President Basescu argued in his turn that he didn't talk to Barroso about the political situation in Romania. He mentioned: "The political situation in Romania was no issue, as long as Romania has got a government working and in Brussels they don't mistake political dispute for political crisis."
Barroso commented yesterday that the Romanian President informed him that progress with the National Integrity Agency was being made, that odds were favorable. He mentioned there were old EU states who had failed to establish governments for months after elections.
The EU official admitted he wanted Romanians and the democratic system in Romania to respect the legal obligations coming from the status of EU member and commented it was up to Romania to settle domestic disputes.
After the meeting President Basescu said he informed Barroso about Romania's support for the German presidency's initiative on the EU Constitution and also for the energy set launched by the European Commission. The head of state added Romania was supporting the German presidency over the EU so that during its 6-month mandate the German officials would come up with a solution to end the EU Constitution standstill. President Basescu also mentioned promising Barroso that Romania would contribute to the EU neighborhood policy. (D.E.)
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