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  Nr. 3843 de miercuri, 31 ianuarie 2007 
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LATEST - In brief
Church as target
-- Any analysis of the "Communist Regime and Religious Cults" chapter in the Tismaneanu report can see ill intentions, ignorance and manipulation belonging to the experts in the presidential commission and meant to nail the BOR (Romanian Orthodox Church).
In order not to miss their targets, report authors gave objectivity up to chase only the compromises of Orthodox officials and patriarchs in particular. Unlike the BOR, the other Churches are protected and pictured as sinless in the report. The Communist assail on the National Church and its dimension are ignored and the report utters no word on the Orthodox priests beaten to death during questionings or executed in Jilava Prison by court sentence. The "experts" use a phrase such as "religious dissidence" without noticing that it means heresy, but not political opposition, as they believe. Ill intentions go so far that Dumitru Staniloae, the priest thought to be the greatest Orthodox theologian in the 20th century, a man who went through the political detention nightmare in 1958-1963, is evaluated as author of "embarrassing works."
BOR denies Tismaneanu report officially
The BOR has replied to the Tismaneanu report on the Communist regime in Romania by press release, claiming that the chapter titled "the Communist Regime and Religious Cults" is an unscientific, biased approach, including twisted conclusions and exceeding the context. There is mentioned that the approach has puzzled the clergy and the Orthodox and the Orthodox Christians, as well as historians with scientific authority, including members of the Romanian Academy.
The authors of the respective chapter chose to use as main sources works controversial ever since they had been published instead of using the works authored by research institutes and historians who had studied the archives of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania).
The Romanian Patriarchy comments that such an approach part of an official document is unacceptable and disrespectful of the historical truth. Therefore the Romanian Patriarchy suggests there should be established a committee of historians to do research on the state of the BOR under the Communist regime and elaborate a complete, objective study.
The Academic Society for Historical Truth and several anti-Communists activists have joined the BOR initiative. The latter activists have even announced they themselves will come up with a new report on communism. (D.C., L.P.)
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