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  Nr. 3837 de miercuri, 24 ianuarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Voiculescu is against press freedom
Yesterday the PC (Conservative Party) leader Dan Voiculescu expressed his appreciation for the decision to include insult and libel back in the Criminal Code, so that opinion formers would become "more responsible". He described the Constitutional Court's decision as positive.
The ex owner of a powerful media company argued that "more responsibility" was needed. According to the PC leader, it was "a positive thing" to bring back insult and libel as crimes in the Criminal Code, since Romania wanted to become a European state. He tried to persuade the audience: "Romania needs more responsibility, among others. Because responsibility is not a trait of Romanians, it is a good thing that the Criminal Code incriminates it. If Romania wants to be a European country, we must use the European practice. I am telling you that insult and libel are punished by the Criminal Code of European countries. Romania can't be different." (...) (V.D.)
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