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  Nr. 3837 de miercuri, 24 ianuarie 2007 
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Hurricane reaches Basescu
Critique from both the opposition and the PNL (National Liberal Party) overwhelmed President Basescu yesterday. The Social-Democrats accused him of breaking constitutional norms on his part as mediator between political parties. Mircea Geoana remembered that Basescu had threatened an ex president of state, giving directions to the prosecutors handling the case on the coal miners' attacks with Ion Iliescu charged. The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leader even claimed that the intelligence services were providing the President with information relevant for the economic dimension of national security, but he added Basescu was disallowed to use such information publicly.
The president of the PC (Conservative Party) also assailed the President, accusing him of undermining national economy and false statements.
As for Corneliu Vadim Tudor, president of the "Greater Romania" Party, he commented: "All that Traian Basescu has been doing in these two years is an imaginable set of illegalities."
Ludovic Orban, a vice president of the PNL, opined the President of Romania "was in a deplorable state of mind", given the latest information showing that ministers' phone calls had been intercepted, which he described as "fully irresponsible." (A.H.)
Voiculescu's theory
The Conservatives announced yesterday that they would ask the President should be suspended, because he was guilty of undermining national economy and false statements. Voiculescu claimed the PC was doing research on the two accusations, adding the evidence they had was enough. He commented: "We will probably join the PSD. We will add our reasons to suspend the President or we will do it separately. The PSD and all the other parties should sign against the President when we prove these true (...)"
The PC leader also announced that his party was for the modification of the referendum law so that half plus one voters' participation would be needed. Voiculescu also criticized Basescu for having said to the foreign press that Romania needed no Russian investors. (...)
Orban: Irresponsible attitude
The PNL vice president Ludovic Orban commented yesterday that Basescu's announcement of ministers' phone calls being intercepted was "fully irresponsible". He opined the President was in a "deplorable state of mind".
Orban commented: "My opinion is that it is absolutely illegal that the President had so-called warning from the secret services about the phone calls of government members."
Tariceanu: "President is preoccupied with scandals"
PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, also a president of the PNL, commented yesterday: "The President is preoccupied with talk shows and scandals, whereas I am preoccupied with people's problems. I have no comment and here is why. You see, this is exactly the difference between the President and me. The President is very fond of TV talk shows, conflicts and scandals. I prefer dealing with people's problems: better standards of life, larger income, larger pensions or measures to prevent calamities that harm people's lives and goods. Our concerns are different." (A.H., R.G.)
A r h i v a
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  PSD wants to dismember CSAT    
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  One doesn't change rules during game    
  Voiculescu is against press freedom    
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