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  Nr. 3831 de miercuri, 17 ianuarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Voiculescu blames it on Basescu
Dan Voiculescu, president of the PC (Conservative Party), comments that the delays in his trial versus the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) are the Romanian President's attempt to bring political intimidation at times preceding the electoral campaign.
In yesterday's press conference the PC leader claimed that the President of Romania Traian Basescu, formerly a ship commander, couldn't stand people disagreeing with him to be around him and therefore he didn't wish Voiculescu to be critical of him. He explained: "Basescu plotted political intimidation action, trying to make an ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) member out of him, and also an immoral person, a Communist or a thief." He accused the Romanian President of pursuing the dismemberment of the PC, after calming the Social-Democrats down by offensive against Adrian Nastase, after causing the National Liberal Party to split and the "Greater Romania" Party to grow isolated.
He also commented that the Romanian President also authored the trial against Codru Seres, charged with intelligence. (...) (A.G.)
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