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  Nr. 3831 de miercuri, 17 ianuarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Interdiction for Miron Cozma
Miron Cozma said he wanted to leave Romania if paroled. But prosecutors investigating the case on the coal miners' attacks in June 1990 will come up with surprise for him: interdiction to leave the country.
The Court decided to parole Cozma, but prosecutors appealed against the decision and the Bucharest Court is now to reach verdict. The ex lead of coal miners told magistrates that he was thinking about going abroad, as member of an international workers organization. If the Bucharest Court agrees to have Cozma paroled, he will be disallowed to leave Romania. Although he is just a witness in the above-mentioned case, investigators intend to forbid him to leave the country so that he can be questioned whenever the case. (...) (B.G.)
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