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  Nr. 3831 de miercuri, 17 ianuarie 2007 
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Sleeping with the enemy
Given all its ramifications, more or less voluptuous, and all the boudoir spicy talk, the "Udrea" scandal tends to close a too vicious circle. Control minister Cristian David confirmed yesterday what ZIUA had uncovered: state institutions, the RAAPPS (Self-governing Department for Administration of the State Heritage and Protocol) one of them, had signed contracts with some advocacy companies, many of the latter being part of the political clientele. In 2002-2004 Elena Udrea was the main customer of the RAAPPS. There was a total of 23 contracts. 2,35 billion ROL was paid for 12 of them, almost a half of the 5,6 billion the institution paid the various advocacy companies.
It is interesting that Udrea got the money without carrying out the contract clauses and although she had no right to handle some cases. She had no right to represent the RAAPPS interests in France. It is even more interesting that Udrea got en gros and en detail payment from the state due to the benevolence of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), although she was a district councilor of the PNL (National Liberal Party), whom Theodor Stolojan had put on the list, and also a secret adviser of Traian Basescu, at that time mayor of Bucharest. Dorin Cocos, her husband, was the beneficiary of substantial contracts on the concrete pavement and parking areas of Bucharest. Therefore while Basescu was taking pains in his fight against Adrian Nastase and the PSD Mafia, Elena, later on chief of Presidency Chancellery, was sleeping with the enemy, flirting with Eugen Bejinariu, head of the Government's General Secretariat. As for Nastase's side, a "Trojan horse" was out of question. Udrea had connected herself straight to the RAAPPS budget, mercilessly sucking it. The last contracts in the ill omen set of 12 were signed in December 6, 2004, that is in between the first and the second presidential election tours, when the electoral confrontation between Basescu and Nastase reached the climax. Elena was speaking double language...
Let me end the vicious circle point by mentioning that the final battle finds Elena Udrea still part of the RAAPPS scandal. After the first version of the Dracula Park project in Sighisoara had been dismissed, there emerged the idea to build this tourism destination anyway, but in the Snagov region, not far from the place where Vlad the Impaler had been interred. In the end they chose Moara Vlasiei, a piece of land where the former properties of the Snagov peasants had been moved, lands the Communists had grabbed for building villas by the lake. Later on the villas reached the RAAPPS patrimony. The governmental institution has now got no problem with selling them for substantial money and commissions. While Nastase's government was ruling, the peasants in Snagov got an offer to exchange the pieces of lands they had got from the RAAPPS headed by Bejinariu for shares, so that the Dracula Park project would be achieved. Since the latter wasn't built, the lands should have normally returned to the peasants. But it didn't happed. The lands continued as RAAPPS property and by last September-October they had become the favorite target of the Udrea-Cocos couple. Elena made use of her sex appeal to persuade Radu Stroe, the new general secretary of the government, to which the RAAPPS was subordinate. But it was Razvan Petrovici who was successful. He had been in ties with the RAAPPS head for a longer time, as the latter had been employed in one of his companies. Hence Udrea's enraged offensive against the "Stroe&Petrovici" duo, who had seized the Moara Vlasiei affair.
As far as such political relations are concerned, let me add that when Traian Basescu grew obstinate against Teodor Atanasiu and the withdrawal of Romanian troops from Iraq, there emerged two complaints against the ex defense minister. Naturally, one was authored by Adriana Saftoiu and the other was written by the Eugen Bejinariu himself. Fair enough with me!
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Ha-ha-ha!   de Conan-the-Barbarian
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