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  Nr. 3830 de marti, 16 ianuarie 2007 
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Royal visit to CNSAS
King Mihai has foud he had two files sent from SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service), dating back in 1948 some other separate files, from SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service), as he was watched over even when he was in exile. This was the conclusion of the 45 minutes visit King Mihai paid yesterday to the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) siege, to see his file. The ex-monarch was accompanied by his wife, Queen Ana, Princess Margareta, his daughter, and by his daughter's husband, Prince Radu. The king said the few pages in his file he had the time to read impressed him. "After the visit, His Majesty read some pages of the two files about him, which are now in our possession. He was visibly impressed to see again a series of articles published by the newspapers of those times and also a series of denouncements referring to him. I remember the conspiratorial name of one of the persons who gave information on him: Romeo. Most probably, this was somebody from inside the Palace", Ticu Dumitrescu commented after the royal family left. Dumitrescu also says that CNSAS is, from now on, in possession of 2,000 boxes with microfilms delivered by SIE, which contain two files, family photographs, excerpts from the Romanian and Western press. "There are thousands of pages. What we have is very little. There are some files lost in this pile delivered by SRI, and those from SIE are hardly readable", the CNSAS representative explained. On the other hand, Cazimir Ionescu, spokesman of the College, expressed his dissatisfaction to the fact the Royal Family also participated in an exclusive talk with Dumitrescu and the head of the institution, Claudiu Secasiu, while other six College members were waiting for them in the meeting room.(V.D.)
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