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  Nr. 3824 de marti, 9 ianuarie 2007 
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Argument on government restructuring
Romanian Democrats asked the PM yesterday to present the MPs with a plan to restructure the government so that to cut on the number of Cabinet members from 24 to 15-18 and do away with ministers of state and delegate ministers. Democrat leader Emil Boc explained: "The government must be restructured. We have been arguing for it ever since last summer. This is an obligation we have had since taking over and it accompanies the obligation to correlate our government to what the EU has got. We did what depended on us. We gave up two ministers of state. The Democrat Party started the process of restructuring and we are now waiting for other colleagues in the Coalition to do the same and for the PM to come up in Parliament with a plan to restructure the government." (...)
Marko Bela, a leader of the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania), agreed to the idea, but he claimed that the delegate ministers representing the UDMR, Laszlo Borbely and Iuliu Winkler, should become ministers with portfolios. (V.D.)
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Mr. Tariceanu he coveted to soup cockish hot.   de Davidescu vasile
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