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  Nr. 3824 de marti, 9 ianuarie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Stop the fees!
The EU is going to address the European Court of Justice to sue Romania for breaking the EU car legislation.
In a press release ZIUA received yesterday, the European Commission announced intention to soon open procedures to show Romania disobeyed its state obligations concerning the fee to be paid for the registration of a first car. The government included the fee in the new Fiscal Code, although EU officials disagreed repeatedly. The European Commission has already started procedures to register the breaking of the EU Treaty against Poland and Hungary, states now in a similar situation.
It is up to the European Court of Justice to decide whether the legislation in use is in keeping with the EU Treaty or not. In the document ZIUA got there is also mentioned that in case the Court decides the Romanian legislation is incompatible to the European one, the respective EU member will have to revise the legislation. It also means that, apart from the modification or even the elimination of such a fee, Romania may get to pay costly penalties. (...) (G.P.)
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