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  Nr. 3756 de marti, 17 octombrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
EPP leader demands President to save St. Joseph Cathedral
Hans-Gert pottering, leader of the EPP group in the Parliament of Europe, wrote a personal letter to Romanian President Traian Basescu last month, asking the latter official for action to save St. Joseph Cathedral. The letter is written on behalf of the EPP parliamentary group, the most powerful group with control on the Parliament of Europe.
The PD (Democrat Party) has been taking efforts to become an EPP member for a long time now, which Pottering's letter mentions too. Strasbourg and Brussels sources claim the EPP leader dislikes the PD manipulation meant to bring more credit to the party. Adriean Videanu, executive president of the PD, is also a general mayor of Bucharest and he is accused of abuse in the St. Joseph Cathedral case. (...)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Scrisoarea III (3209 afisari)
 "Lacheul", "penibilul" si "betivul" (2614 afisari)
 Seful PPE il someaza pe Basescu (2431 afisari)
 Adrian SEVERIN: Republica de la Cluj (2046 afisari)
 Politica de doi poli: platforma Stoica-Stolojan (1941 afisari)
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