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  Nr. 3696 de marti, 8 august 2006 
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Democrats take no interest in early elections
Early elections are no priority for the PD (Democrat Party), said the PD leader Emil Boc after yesterday's reunion of party officials. He mentioned such a thing was not possible anyway, since the officials in power were preoccupied with the EU membership. Boc commented: "This is something we haven't raised yet and it is no priority right now. We are preoccupied with the governmental platform and the electoral promises. We have got no problem with the context favorable or unfavorable to early elections. People won't judge us depending on early elections scenarios, but on what we promised and what we achieved."
Boc admitted his party had wanted early elections in 2005, but the idea had failed because of the Liberals' disagreement. (...) (R.P.)
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