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  Nr. 3696 de marti, 8 august 2006 
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Record burnt, Theodorescu is clean
Yesterday Cazimir Ionescu, spokesman for the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive), announced verdict on Social-Democrat senator Razvan Theodorescu: he did not collaborate with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). In July 14 the senator had written to the CNSAS head Claudiu Secasiu, asking the CNSAS to search his past and also threatening to sue "Romania libera" daily. In his letter Theodorescu mentioned he had never been an informer or collaborator of the ex Securitate. In a press conference he had he also announced he had ORNISS certificate allowing him access to classified information. Theodorescu explained that his only connection to the ex Securitate had been that coming from the reports and surveys he had signed, criticizing the culture policies promoted by the Communist regime. Yesterday the senator went to the CNSAS to attend the meeting.
"I wish my record were preserved"
He said the meeting focussed on the record that had burnt in December 22, 1989. Theodorescu mentioned: "My opinion was the same with the CNSAS members'. We will never know why some records burnt." The senator said in his record there had been all the investigations the Securitate had made him subject to since August 1977 till the end of 1986. He said the investigations had been strictly on his personal protests and then on protests he had had with colleagues against the rulers of the time, related to the destruction of historical monuments. (...)
The senator commented: "I wish my record were preserved. A decision is to be reached today. There is nothing else, there are no other elements." (...)
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