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  Nr. 3536 de luni, 30 ianuarie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
PSD is realm of corruption
Romanians thinks the most honest politicians are members of PD (the Democrat Party), whereas the most corrupted ones are in PSD (the Social-Democrat Party). This is one of the conclusions reached in the latest opinion poll by Insomar. (...)
Either business or politics
According to this research, Romanians believe the main reason why people take up politics is their wish to get rich. Romanians think those who choose political careers should give up business for good, just as they think our politicians' skills and qualities are very far from EU politicians'.
As for honest politicians, 30% of Romanians opine most of them are in PD. Almost 20% believe most of them are members of PRM ("Great Romania" Party) and 17% claim PNL (the National Liberal Party) is the party of the most honest politicians. (...)
It has also been concluded that Romanians don't treasure politicians.
Full credit for Justice
(...) Almost 53% opine that a very good businessman doesn't necessarily make a very good politician. But there are also 47% Romanians who believe a manager's experience to be an advantage and a premise for achievements and responsibilities in public administration. Research authors emphasize that the only chance to clean Romanian politics is to give full credit to Justice, allowing it to be independent of all political interference in its decisions and mechanisms.
Valentina DELEANU 
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