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  Nr. 3405 de vineri, 19 august 2005 
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Christians mourn Brother Roger
Political reactions
French president Jacques Chirac said Brother Roger would continue to be, to all of us and especially to the youth, one of the most outstanding servants of human communities' main values. Protestant German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder also evoked "one of the most important religious personalities of the present era."
Yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu expressed grief at Brother Roger's tragic death. The death of Brother Roger Schultz has deeply grieved the Romanian people, who mourn one of the greatest Christian spirits along with the unfortunate involvement of a Romanian woman in this tragic event. The information was provided by Romanian Presidency's press release. (...)
Murder on purpose
Le Figaro quotes prosecutors in Macon who say Luminita Solcan underwent psychiatric expertise and was proved to suffer from paranoia delirium. But the illness does not affect her sensibility and she does not need to stay in hospital. Jean-Louis Coste, prosecutor in charge of the case, said the woman's intention to kill brother Roger couldn't be denied, since she had bought a knife one day before. Coste mentioned that during the questioning Luminita Solcan had denied intention to kill the priest and said she only wanted to speak to the latter about her religious call and about the plot of some freemason monks. She also said she had failed.
According to the prosecutor, the woman is to be investigated for murder, although she denies stabbing Brother Roger to death. Colonel Philippe Michou mentions inquiry is going on, which is why much information is still unavailable to the public. (...)
Voichita RASCANU 
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