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  Nr. 3390 de marti, 2 august 2005 
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Conservatives have to make a choice
Vice prime minister Gheorghe Seculici set an ultimatum to PC (the Conservative Party) yesterday: the latter are to choose either participation to Executive structures or support for PSD (the Social-Democrat Party). Gheorghe Seculici informs by press release: "The Conservative Party must make a choice: either for Executive structures or for PSD". The Minister mentions that PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance and UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) have agreed to replace the presidents of the two Parliament Chambers, as the Coalition can't take responsibility for ruling if Adrian Nastase and Nicolae Vacaroiu chair the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Seculici opines that PC is guilty of the way things are in the country, as PC members voted for PSD presidents of district councils. As for the replacing of the two presidents mentioned above, PC spokesman Bogdan Ciuca expressed the Conservatives' attitude: "We agree to replacing those people who do not do their job or harm the institution's image." The Conservatives are to take attitude towards the issue after the meeting of the Coalition's leaders to come. (R.A.)
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