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  Nr. 3390 de marti, 2 august 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Basescu's bomb
Romanian President Traian Basescu attended yesterday the meeting of the Executive Committee for European Integration at Victoria Palace. The president warned about danger that Executive members should be under the influence of groups of economic interests. This is what presidential spokeswoman Adriana Saftoiu stated after the meeting. Whether by accident or not, the Romanian President was in the government building in the very moment when the Liberals and Democrats were attending the meeting of the National Coordination Council of the Alliance, debating on early elections. Yesterday at Victoria Palace Basescu was face to face with PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu for the first time after the latter had announced he would no longer resign. Basescu's warning is actually a veiled charge with corruption against some members of Tariceanu's Cabinet. Ever since January this year the president has warned about pressure on the Executive, when the evaluation by the Public ministry was released. Basescu stated at that time that some groups of interests were having terrible fight over the government in order to reach one minister of the other to reinforce the groups' previous power. Basescu thanked the information services that had so far protected the Executive against such influences. Basescu said in January: "I can tell you for sure that almost all the state's main institutions are affected by corruption." He mentioned corruption was present either by direct involvement or by traffic of influence.
Adriana Saftoiu mentioned: "The Romanian President has asked the Executive to take action only in keeping with the program for ruling decided together with political parties, but not under the influence of some groups who can change the political decision." According to the spokeswoman, the president wanted to learn about progress with solutions to the problems included in the warning letter received from the European Commission, preceding a first country report on Romania to be released in August 24. Adrian Saftoiu explained: "After discussing about the problems mentioned in the warning letter by the European Commission, President Traian Basescu has concluded that these problems can be solved in due time. It is up to the government's will only." President Basescu's talks with officials in charge of decisions focused on the problems mentioned in the warning letter received from the European Commission: the implementation of community norms on public purchase, the implementation of intellectual property rights and policies in the field of competition, agriculture problems, environment protection, the real use of legal norms to fight corruption, especially at high level, as well as the improvement of customs control.
The program for ruling is the "Bible" of PD
Emil Boc explained that the program for ruling was "the Bible of the Democrat Party" when commenting on Basescu's warning regarding possibility that Executive members should get under the influence of some groups of economic interests. Boc mentioned that the Democrat ministers' single mission was to abide by the program for ruling. The Pd leader expressed belief that the Romanian president had more information than a party president did and assured that Basescu's statements were always grounded. (R.A.)
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