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  Nr. 3382 de sambata, 23 iulie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
IMAS Barometer: Basescu's popularity drops under 50%
The July public opinion barometer made by IMAS (Marketing and Public Opinion Poll Institute) shows that, if the nest Sunday parliamentary election took place, 47.4% of the electorate would vote for the Alliance Justice and Truth (National Liberal Party and the Democrat Party), while PSD (the Social Democrat Party, now in opposition) would get 31.9% of the votes. PRM (The Greater Romania Party) is on the third place, with 12.1% of the electorate's preferences and UDMR (the Hungarians Democratic Union in Romania), which would not enter the Parliament, with 4.8%. The July barometer notes a decrease of the Alliance's popularity by almost 8 points as compared to June, and by almost 20 points as compared to late January. Meanwhile, the main opposition party, PSD, increases in the polls by almost 8 points as compared to June. As far as the confidence in the major political personalities is concerned, the opinion poll notices, for the first time this year, a sudden decrease in popularity of President Traian Basescu under 50%, that is to 49.4%. The chief of State is followed by PSD leader, Mircea Geoana, with 38.4%, and by PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, with 33.9 points. When asked "Do you believe things go to a right or wrong direction in Romania?", 61% of the interviewed answered the country heads towards a wrong direction, and only 32 % saw the right side of things. (D.I.)
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