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  Nr. 3382 de sambata, 23 iulie 2005 
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Incomplete report in the file of prosecutor Panait
Minister of Justice, Monica Macovei, asked the General Prosecutor of Romania, Ilie Botos, to submit her, by the 1 August, a complete report regarding the death of the prosecutor Cristian Panait. Macovei considers the file regarding the death of prosecutor Panait � who died on 10 April 2002, after he had thrown himself from the first floor of a house -, is not complete, and certain aspects that had come out from the investigation were not checked upon. Also, the aspects noticed by the media were not checked upon either. Monica Macovei asked the General Prosecutor to submit her a report on the circumstances Panait took his life. Still, the report she has received this week does not clear any of these aspects. Besides, the report the minister received only includes elements of the Lele case. (Lele is the prosecutor Panait made an investigation of, and this case made him suicide.)
Minister of Justice stated three months ago: "there are enough elements to reopen the case".
Macovei:"The appointing of Piciorus at the head of the Superior Council of Magistracy, a disgrace"
The name of Cristian Panait came back to the public attention after Ilie Piciorus � Panait's ex-superior -, had been elected as secretary general of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM). All started when prosecutor Alexandru Lele arrested Adrian Tarau on charges of illegal operations with fuel in Bihor County. From that moment on, the magistrate condemned himself. He became the target of a campaign that finalized few years later with his expulsion from the Public Ministry, the death of a prosecutor and the spectacular run of Adrian Tarau in the United States of America. The moment Piciorus was appointed as a secretary general of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Monica Macovei stated: " The appointing of Piciorus is a disgrace and it severely damages the CSM image".
Bogdan GALCA
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