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  Nr. 3380 de joi, 21 iulie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Stoica, to ask for Tariceanu's replacing
-- The Liberal Party flies into temper
Calin Popescu-Tariceanu's decision to reverse over his resignation increased the confusion inside the National Liberal Party (Rom. PNL), the party being now in a flustred situation. Tariceanu's political pirouettes around his resignation revealed the fact that there are two sides, pro and against maintaining the prime minister at the head of the liberals. The PM's biggest opponent is the ex-head of the liberals, Valeriu Stoica, who anticipated the minimisation of the party in the absence of a plan on changing the doctrine. The climax of Stoica's action consumed on Tuesday evening, right after the PNL chairman anounced he would not step out of the head of the Government. He came then with a categoric and vehement request: Tariceanu should resign quickly and be replaced with Theodor Stolojan to save the image of the National Liberal Party and of the Alliance as well.
Olteanu: "Stoica is closed in a world of political threads"
A retort to Stoica's statements came from the minister for the Relationship with the Parliament, Bogdan Olteanu. According to Mediafax, he said that "PNL does not agree with Valeriu Stoica's statements and challenges", and that he is obsessively following the achievement of his personal political plans. Stoica "is closed in a world of political threads, a world that lacks the reality of the floods ", while "PNL lives this reality and acts subsequently, as the people cannot be left to face calamities alone ", Olteanu added.
A r h i v a
  Tariceanu asked for a vote of confidence    
  European Commission: anticipated election has nothing to do with the EU accession    
  The Opposition, to support the Government    
  Alliance's plans, in stand-by    
  PM's opinion: Floods puzzled the anticipated election    
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