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  Nr. 3371 de luni, 11 iulie 2005 
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Scenarios on early elections
In today's newspaper you can read four different scenarios that can cause the Parliament to dissolve and lead to early elections. Here they are in brief: "repeated resignation", "abandoning before starting", "leave them with no quorum" and " fake PM". They all have both advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are fast, but some can't stick to the term the Alliance has announced: October. Cristian Preda has talked about the simplest method: PM comes in front of the Parliament twice, but brings no government and announces failure to build new Cabinet. Opposition voices rumor counterstrike idea: to suspend President Basescu, but this is little likely. The government is to resign on July 18, after releasing ordinances needed for the EU accession. PD (the Democrat Party) voted for early elections unanimously. The Liberals claim they have been considering early elections ever since May. PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) is against holding elections before the time set, but is preparing an "extremely aggressive" campaign, Iliescu and the 2004 lists included.
Non-political Court to be reached after elections
If necessary, PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance will modify the law on the Constitutional Court after elections so that some judges would be revoked. This is what PD (The Democrat Party) president Emil Boc stated yesterday. The latter said in news conference that in case this was an impossible solution, they would go for the revision of the Constitution so that "to make the Constitutional Court get rid of political control." Boc mentioned: "Unfortunately, the Constitutional Court is no longer a juridical, constitutional institution, but a political one, because of its members. More than half of them used to be top leaders in PSD (the Social-Democrat Party)".
The Democrat leader explained: "The Parliament, laws schools or the Lawyers' Union could propose members for the Constitutional Court in order to thoroughly depoliticize this institution." (Mediafax)
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