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  Nr. 3371 de luni, 11 iulie 2005 
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CSM checks unveiled procedure flaws in Patriciu case
CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) inspectors concluded that prosecutors Georgiana Hosu and Adriana Cristescu from the High Court of Justice broke the rights of Dinu Patriciu during inquiry on the Rompetrol case. After the scandal that burst out during investigations in the Rompetrol case, CSM became aware of it and asked for checks. As known, the businessman was retained 24 hours on grounds of ordinance issued by prosecutors two hours before the latter was officially announced charges against him: money laundry and fraud. Dinu Patriciu learnt about it at night, when he hadn't finished writing his statement. CSM prosecutors noticed these details as well. Patricu was set free after Bucharest Court had refused to issue precautionary arrest warrant and concluded that Patriciu could be investigated while free. The Rompetrol file has now reached the General Attorney's Office and investigations have started.
The law has it that CSM inspectors may not set sanctions against a prosecutor, since the former have no right no reach decision on such matters. They are to send report to the Prosecutor's Office in the High Court, in charge of eventual sanctions against subordinate prosecutors. (...) (A.G.)
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