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  Nr. 3371 de luni, 11 iulie 2005 
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Government promise things will work perfectly in Romania
In the coming period state executive structure will work at full capacity and will not be affected by the early elections to come. This is what Executive spokesman outlined in press release issued yesterday. The document explains: "After resignation and till the new Cabinet has been reached, the government will legally use attributions to handle state activities and to see to the normal progress of the public sector, although it will not be in position to promote new policies. The accomplishing of tasks agreed on with view to accession is still top priority." The document also mentions the "numerous reforms" adopted and already taken measures in order to meet European requirements provide "generous room" for state authorities to go on with reform implementation. The document explains: "Given the circumstances, what the ex Minister of Foreign Affairs under the regime that turned corruption into law in Romania, said � that the country would be at a standstill till early elections � is misinformation. It relies on the experience of the former PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) government, that sacked all measure related to accession before the elections in 2004 and harmed national budget by setting electoral alms." Executive spokesman says Tariceanu's Cabinet is "the most reformist one in Romania, after December 1989", which displeases PSD, for the latter party suffers from "allergy to reform". The document concludes: "This is why PSD is doing everything to block reform and attacks the government, by pressing charges such as "incompetence" against it." (O.B.)
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