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  Nr. 3361 de miercuri, 29 iunie 2005 
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Freed journalists' case provided Alliance with 5% more
-- PNL-PD Alliance - 55%, PSD - 23%
The happy ending of the story on the Romanian journalists kidnapped in Iraq provided the electoral capital of PNL (the National Liberal Party) - PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance with 5% more. IMAS opinion poll completed in June 9-17 shows that the main force in the coalition at rule has now got 55% of vote intentions, although one month ago, before the hostages were freed, it had 50%. PNL - PD Alliance has made up for the points it lost when the hostage crisis burst out, as the Alliance had 55% as well in March. IMAS president Mircea Kivu admitted yesterday in public debate that this gain was mainly due to the victory on the kidnapped journalists' case. Kivu mentioned the Liberals and the Democrats were treated as a whole.
PSD in suffering
IMAS opinion poll also shows that the progress of PNL-PD Alliance led to the regress of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party). The former ruling party got 23% in June, one of its lowest scores ever. (O.B.)
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