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  Nr. 3361 de miercuri, 29 iunie 2005 
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Liberal Ionut Popescu under threat
-- Finance Minister might be replaced
PNL (the National Liberal Party) leaders seem determined to get some ministers replaced. It is about those officials whose 6-month activity has not been convincing. Such decision to replace ministers might be reached during the PNL Permanent Delegation meeting, due next week. This is what PNL spokesman deputy Eugen Nicolaescu stated yesterday. Mediafax quoted him saying that some PNL members suggested that the activity of Liberal ministers should be evaluated by party leaders. Nicolaescu mentioned: "If this happens and there are suggestions that some PNL ministers should be replaced, we will ask the prime minister to do it." The Liberal deputy also explained that the government would presently see to constitutional procedures on minister replacing. PNL sources told us that Finance minister Ionut Popescu and Health Minister Mircea Cinteza were under such threat. Yesterday Popescu was criticized in the open by one of his party colleagues. PNL deputy Cristian Boureanu stated during Pro Democracy debate that those irresponsible officials unable to maintain the present VAT (the value added tax) rate to 19% should resign.
The representative of the PNL Permanent Bureau said that many PNL leaders were against the VAT raise to 22%. The PNL deputy outlined: "The Executive must obey the program for ruling. If they don't manage, then they should make room for a different Cabinet capable of it." (O.B.)
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Do it !! For what is worth... he's only dragging you backwards... and up to the end - you won't cope with the labels...   de Omul cu Picioare foarte Paroase
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