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  Nr. 3361 de miercuri, 29 iunie 2005 
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LATEST � In Brief
Scheele gives Mazare a hard time
-- EU Delegation to Bucharest sacked project in Constanta because of the beneficiary @ EU is going to ask the government to give back 1,2 million Euro
Head of the EU Delegation in Bucharest Jonathan Scheele announced that a project financed from EU funds in Constanta was sacked. This made mayor of Constanta Radu Mazare and the District Council president leave the room and slam the door. Jonathan Scheele went to Constanta yesterday to analyze the progress made with several projects financed from EU funds. The EU official had meetings with local officials, says Mediafax. Scheele announced that EU had to ask the Romanian government to give back 1,2 million Euro, as the Constanta Exhibition Pavilion mission had failed because Constana District Council, project beneficiary, had not obeyed contract and delayed building operations. Scheele talked to the mayor of Constanta Radu Mazare too and told him that delay had been caused by the city hall too, as the latter issued no authorization for trucks transporting building material. Mazare explained it was not about authorization, but about fee on such trucks. (R.A.)
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