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  Nr. 3361 de miercuri, 29 iunie 2005 
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Basescu denounces Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact
The Romanian President has made unprecedented declaration: for the first time in history, he has officially denounced the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact and its dreadful consequences. The president's spectacular declaration has been made 65 years after the USSR ultimatum for Romania, followed by the occupation of Basarabia, Bucovina, Herza and part of the Danube Delta. Presidency press release announced that Romania "firmly denounces" the Pact and "can't ignore the suffering our brothers on the other bank of the Prut River went through as consequence of some severe historical events." The head of state "takes a respectful bow in front of the people who had to learn how to live with suffering every day, who had to separate from their families, language and nation." Historians emphasize the great importance of the Cotroceni decision to denounce the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Basescu's declaration joins international denunciation of the Soviet occupation in Europe. The document signed by Ribbentrop and Molotov in 1939 has also been denounced by US president, the European Union, the Baltic States and Poland. But so far the West has not included Romanian among the Pact's victims, together with Estonia, Latvia and Lituania. Putin's Russia wouldn't admit USSR occupation and murders. (V.R.)
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