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  Nr. 3254 de miercuri, 23 februarie 2005 
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Basescu pleaded for the accession of Ukraine and Moldavia to NATO
Romanian President delivered speech in the opening of the NATO-Ukraine Commission session in Brussels
Yesterday president Traian Basescu delivered a speech in the opening of the NATO-Ukraine Commission session. He stated: "Ukraine's future is within the democratic community of European nations. Europe will be neither entire nor free until Ukraine, the Republic of Moldavia and Southern Caucasus have joined the Euro-Atlantic community". This information is provided by presidency press release. Basescu opined that the exceptional victory of Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko and of the Ukrainian people would remain a main reference for supporting difficult efforts meant to turn the country into a democratic state and to carry out Ukraine's major projects. The head of the Romanian state insisted on the fact that Ukraine and its present rulers needed real and permanent support from its neighbors, EU and NATO members, as well as from the entire Western community. Basescu highlighted: "As a neighbor, Romania is really interested in Ukraine's thorough democratic development". He promised to have active cooperation with the new Kiev leaders.
Basescu mentioned: "Faster internal reforms will lead to a more intense relation with Western institutions and especially with NATO. The yearly plan on objectives sets frame for efficiently focussing the dialogue between NATO and Ukraine and also prepares a stable ground for future progress towards a national plan of accession to the EU."
The president of Romania reminded that the evolution in Ukraine and Georgia had opened the way to the progress of democracy, security and economical prosperity of the entire Black Sea area. He expressed hope that the Republic of Moldavia would have the same democratic evolution towards a European future. The Romanian president also mentioned: " Elections drawing near will be a test on democracy for Moldavia. We shall monitor them closely. Ukraine can play a positive role in progress making in order to find solution to the crisis in Transdnistria. This is a main problem of security on the eastern border of the Euro-Atlantic community."
During his meeting with President of France Jacques Chirac, Basescu underlined the decision of the present Executive to accomplish all missions with view to accession to the EU and explained that Bucharest officials were fully aware that Romania's integration was more of a political matter. The information is also included in the press release.
Jacques Chirac reiterated intention to have France provide Romania with full support with view to Romania's admission in the EU and appreciated Romania's capacity to obey assignments taken during the EU accession process. Chirac expressed interest in the high level reunion of francophone representatives, due in Bucharest next year. Chirac described the capital of Romania as "the heart of francophony". Basescu promised Romania would choose special representative to deal with organizing the reunion. The meting of the two officials also took up the problem in Transdnistria, The two presidents agreed that this conflict had to end soon "by means of dialogue"
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