< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - vineri, 31 august 2007


PD loses points

If Euro-elections were to take place next Sunday, PD (Democrat Party) would get 34% of the Romanians' votes, by eight points less than in July (42.6%), according to a poll made by the Company of Sociological Research and Branding (CCSB) in 3-15 August. According to this study, PD is followed in the top of the voting intent by PSD (Social Democrat Party) - 19%, PNL (National Liberal Party) - 17% (increasing by almost four points as compared to July), PNG (New Generation Party) - 8% and PRM (Greater Romania Party) - 5%. PC (Conservative Party) and UDMR (Democratic Union of the Magyars in Romania) are placed right below the electoral threshold, with 4%. As far as the elections for the Romanian Parliament are concerned, the voting intent places PD on top with 35%, followed by PNL -18%, PSD -17%, PNGCD (New Generation Party - Christian Democratic) - 9%, PRM - 5%, PC - 4%, UDMR - 4%. As for the confidence in politicians, President Traian Basescu is on the first place, with 58%, followed by Gigi Becali - 35%, Sorin Oprescu - 31%, Theodor Stolojan 30%, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu 28%, Emil Boc 26%, Mircea Geoana 26%. The study, ordered by Antena 1 TV station, is representative at national level, and has been carried out on a population sample of 1021 individuals with right to vote, the tolerated error being of plus/minus 3%. (R.I.P.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=226017&data=2007-08-31