< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - miercuri, 20 decembrie 2006


BOR counters Tismaneanu Report

Today the BOR (Romanian Orthodox Church) is to express official response to the Tismaneanu Report, which Church representatives consider to be a mystification reflecting group interests opposite to orthodoxy.

The Romanian Academy Society also opines that such a document cannot be the basis of a durable achievement, claiming that the Romanian Academy as institution together with Romanian historians, sociologists, journalists and other scholars must reserve themselves the right to correct the Tismaneanu Report.

BOR officials protest against the Report's view, according to which the BOR was a Church that collaborated with the former regime and that the Romanian Patriarch was a pillar of the Communist Party and of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). The BOR takes such a description as a new dirty attack against the Romanian nation's most important institution. BOR voices from all over Romania will speak up today to point to the mystification of reality, sources claim. They say the allegedly academic text includes bizarre references to the Church, such as the one claiming the institution had a 'pact with the devil'. Church sources comment there are also obviously biased references. Here is an example: the analysis of the state of religious cults under the Communist regime is a biased approach, expressing the personal points of view belonging to the members of the Tismaneanu Commission. (...)

BOR representatives also claim that the representatives of the Catholic cult in the above-mentioned commission have managed to impose their personal points of view, which contradict historical truth.

By using a set of arguable analyses and not invoking others, the ones published by the Romanian Academy included, the authors of the chapter on religious cults are aimed at showing the BOR as an institution that collaborated with the ex Communist system. Without undeniable arguments and by using examples irrelevant to the object of research, by putting up with rumor never proved, without consulting widely acknowledged historians, the authors of this chapter try to diminish the dreadful pressure the BOR was under and the suffering of the Orthodox clergy, many of them ending their lives in Communist prisons.

As for the evaluation of the contemporary period after 1989, it exceeds the Commission's attribution and turns into insults against orthodoxy. It is to be noticed that the BOR condemned communism officially in 1990. (...) (L.I.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=213159&data=2006-12-20