< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - sambata, 16 decembrie 2006


'Romanian village' in Strasbourg

The President of Romania Traian Basescu reached Strasbourg yesterday afternoon for attending some events part of the Christmas Fair there, with Romania as special guest.

The President is to reach Saint Paul Church and mayor Fabienne Keller is to award him the Strasbourg Medal. The President is also to attend a chamber music concert by the Romanian Radio Orchestra. Famous violin player Silvia Marcovici is to play.

The Romanian President was expected to arrive to the cocktail offered by the Romanian Embassy in Paris yesterday evening.

As for his presence in Strasbourg, today the President is to drop by the Romanian Village in Gutenberg Market. There will be craftsmen from several Romanian regions. The 'Romanian Village' event is aimed at offering visitors samples of Romanian folk culture such as traditional outfit, dishes, Christmas songs, dances and customs. The President is to attend a performance by a folk assembly.

Strasbourg authorities arrange such public events every year in order to throw light on various dimensions of Christmas crafts and customs. The programme is traditionally arranged in cooperation with a European country as special guest or host country. Romania is the special guest of this year's edition of the Strasbourg Christmas Fair, taking place just a few days before Romania's accession to the EU, due in January 1, 2007. (A.H.)

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