< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 14 decembrie 2006

LATEST - In Brief

Basescu and Tariceanu, at the EU summit

President Traian Basescu and Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu are taking part, today and tomorrow, in the European Council winter reunion, in Brussels. This is the last European summit before Romania's effective accession to the EU. The main subject of debate of the reunion will be the EU enlargement, according to the Presidential Administration. Heads of State and of Government will talk about the continuation of the EU enlargement after the 5th wave, which included Romania and Bulgaria, and is to define the future approaches in the accession negotiations with Turkey and Croatia. The topic justice and home affairs I also on the agenda. The Finnish Presidency will make a brief evaluation of the stage of talks with the member States on the future Constitutional Treaty. This subject is to be considered thoroughly next year, during the German Presidency of the EU. Basescu is to also participate, in the course of the day, in the summit of the European Popular Party. From Brussels, the chief of State leaves for Strasbourg, where he will be present in the Romanian Village organized at the Christmas Fair. (A.H.)

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