< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - marti, 12 decembrie 2006

Boc asks for Tariceanu's resignation

The Democrat Leader Emil Boc asked, for the first time two days ago, for the resignation of Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, to launch anticipated elections. "PD (Democrat Party) has always accepted the anticipated elections, has never rejected them and I invite PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, to present his resignation within the constitutional framework. And I assure him that the Democrat Party will benefit of all support for the anticipated elections", Boc said, for Realitatea TV. Boc's statement came after a statement of PNL (National Liberal Party) leader, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, who has recently claimed that, given the political circumstances, the Liberals proposed the Democrats to discuss about the anticipated elections.

In reply to Boc's express request, the Executive Committee of PNL reproached yesterday the Pdleader the gesture to ask for the resignation of PM Tariceanu. The PNL leadership adopted a political statement in this respect, in which they showed that Boc's statements represent not only a violation of the protocol, but also "a gesture at least unfriendly towards PNL and towards the Prime Minister". (C.E.)

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